It was with great pleasure that the British Cattle Breeders Club welcomed Holstein UK’s President Andrew Jones to present Mary Mead of the Lakemead Prefix with Holstein UK’s Lifetime Achievement Award during the annual conference dinner in January, at Telford.
Mary and her husband Roger started farming in 1961 in the Yeo Valley where they formed the Lakemead herd of British Friesians. A closed herd with genetics that can be traced back multiple generations. All replacements are bred from their best cows and artificially inseminated with carefully selected British Friesian semen, both from their own and other well-established herds. Mary has always been a keen supporter of pedigree breeding and has derived great satisfaction from providing breeding bulls to the major AI companies with semen, also for export. She is a firm believer that there is a black and white cow to suit all systems of farming within the Holstein UK open Herd Book.
Andrew Jones said ‘It was a privilege and an honour to present the Lifetime Achievement Award to Mary, a cornerstone of this industry for over 60 years’.
The BCBC President Duncan Sinclair added ‘There can be no doubt that this Lifetime award is richly deserved for Mary’s outstanding contribution and passion for the British Friesian breed both at home and her influence on the breed around the world. Her commitment, energy and willingness to challenge, support and advise on all cattle breeding matters is legendary, be that discussions with her fellow farmers to world leading geneticists. I am sure this award from her peers will take pride of place amongst the many others she has gained over her distinguished farming career.’
Holstein UK's Lifetime Achievement Award recognises individuals who have dedicated at least twenty years of service to the Holstein and/or British Friesian breeds. The award represents the ultimate honour for those who have made noteworthy contributions to the Society unassumingly. Mary is one of three recipients to receive the prestigious award for 2023. To read Holstein UK’s full report visit holstein-uk.org/news/holstein-uk-announces-lifetime-achievement-award-winners